Falling in Love with Herod #ETV

So last week, I got the idea to start this new series where we highlight what some Bible villains had going for them. I think I would call it What I Love About The Enemy. 🤔🤔

Has a nice ring to it. 🤭


How are you doing? What’s up with you? This week has been a great one for me so far. I got upgraded, going through my to do list like a jet (I think by now I have it on good rights that I feel better when I conquer my list than when I raw dog a day/week), I got my peer reviews from the CONVO and yoooo! Williams >>>> that’s all I will say.

Speaking of Williams, he would be spending some time with us on Saturday, 30th of March, 2024, on DAME’S IG live. I can’t wait to pick his brain. See you there!

Prepare to attend

Moving on swiftly, today let’s begin with Herod.

Herod The Great, the king at Jesus’ birth not the John the Baptist one.

Herod The Great was a strategic leader. He had his duck in a row and there was nothing that was going to mess with his succession plans.

If you don’t know who Herod is, I gat you. He was a Bible character that appeared in Matt chapter 2. He was the ruler at the time of Jesus birth and Wikipedia says he was actually a great ruler with many achievements like the rebuilding of the Second Temple. He was visited by the Wise Men after Jesus had been born and they told him about the prophesy and that a King had been born.

Cc: Wikipedia

First off, I would like to believe that wasn’t the first he would have heard of this prophecy. I mean those guys had diviners, astrologers and magicians that helped them rule. Great support systems.

Anyways, since none of Herod’s wife had just had a baby that meant someone was coming for the crown and the royalty of his sons.

And so he plotted to know which King had been born and when he couldn’t specify, he decreed all potential kings that were just born be killed.

Gruesome I know. But a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

I mean what would his people say if he didn’t take actions. Who would want to appear weak to those they rule? No one. What would happen to his sons?

He had to do what he had to do.

What can we learn? It is simple, be strategic. Herod knew what he wanted for his children and their children to come and he knew he had to protect that even if it was at a cost.

Cc: Pinterest

Have a clear cut direction for your life, have a plan for your sons and daughters, have a purpose that would transcend generations.

When you’ve obtained this purpose, run with it. Run with it like your life depends on it. Kill off habits that would make the run difficult, wipe out laze with a quickness.

And finally stay focused on that crown.

That’s it. That’s what we love about Herod, the infant murderer. His fixation on his goal and determination to get it at any cost is enviable.

Join me next week as we envy another villain (should this be our title instead?)

I love you 😘


PS: Remember purpose outside of the Reason for our Existence is pointless.

PSS: Herod had faith! He believed that the prophecy that has been told of old, confirmed by the Wise Men, would surely come to pass. And so he had to do something about it. Do what you would with this information.

Bye 👋🏾

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