Solomon’s Women #ETV

Eyin temi, how far? How was your long weekend? 🌚😊

Cc: Pinterest. This you?

I was away for the weekend and I experienced myself in a way I haven’t in a long time. A good thing. 🥰😌

My overall experience was a great one but tell me why I am clocking that I am sponge? I have always known that the way I present is most times dependent on the situation I am in. I adapt and form based on the circumstances of interactions and relationships. 🤷🏾‍♀️

And I am almost chameleon-like. I think some might misread this as being fake but I just morph very easily in response to stimuli.

Cc: Pinterest

I have also clocked my tendency to really immerse myself in the personalities of others, almost to the point where they become my entire focus. It’s like I become so engrossed in someone or something that I lose sight of everything else. It’s as if the people I’m currently fixated on become my entire world—I talk about them constantly, and they occupy my thoughts. It’s like I become totally consumed by them in no time at all.

But here’s the crazy part: I can just as swiftly move on to the next thing. It’s all part of my very short attention span, as I’ve mentioned before.

And I think this is why I can relate with Solomon’s promiscuity and maybe envy it.

Solomon is a popular dude for his wisdom and women. And while the former is easily admired, the later is frowned upon and even less spoken about. I don’t need to tell you the story of King Solo.

One of the adverse effects of Solomon’s women situation was that they turned his heart away from the God of Israel and made him serve other gods.

For me though, I am choosing to see a man who kept himself on his toes in his search for the perfect woman. And while he was on this search, none of his little finds suffered. He made sure every of his women were catered for. Provided resources for them to serve their many gods and indulge in their many desires.

None of his 1000 women lacked what she needed for her gods. Solo did that! He kept his women happy.

What is envious about this? What can we learn?

First, that it is possible to have many interests and excel at them. That BS about “jack of all trade master if none” shouldn’t fly anymore. I mean the Bible in Ecclesiastics says that we should plant this or that because you don’t know which one would yield. So my friends, diversify! If Solo could do it, so can you.

Cc: Pinterest

Then, why stop at one when you can do a thousand. Solo didn’t stop at one woman or 100. He took “go hard or go home” seriously and made it a point to go all out. So while diversifying and expanding your interests, give it your best. Don’t just give 10% when you can give 1000%.

In your doings too, why stop at one good thing you’ve done or one impact you’ve made when you could do a thousand more.

Solomon wasn’t exactly a villain but I guess we’ve learnt something from his bad behavior. Which of these lessons would you adopt going forward?

It’s been fun writing this and I can’t wait to see what we have for next week. 🤭

Till then, envy the villains around you. 💀💀

Love, Juuju ❤️❤️

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