The Gist of Mama Zee

pintrest πŸ’•

Before we begin I want to use this medium to wish one of the Clan members a wonderful birthday. Happy birthday Oluwadamilola J. Ojo. I love you dearly and you deserve all the goodness life has to offer (I mean it) Have a great day and of course a beautiful year. XOXO

Let’s get into our gist πŸ’ƒ

Mama Zee was a prudent woman in her town, The quiet province that belonged to Zidon. She was humble, kind, resourceful, hardworking. But it was hard to be all these good things during a famine.

The National Prophet had prophesied drought on the land and rain had stopped falling for almost 3 years now. It had been hard to push forward but like most of us she was taking it one day at a time.

Then tragedy struck, her food supply got exhausted. I mean about 3 years of sustaining herself and her boy; it was bound to happen

As always, she was prepared (even for the worse).

Armed with a plan with little details: Cook the last meal, sit at home with her son, share wonderful memories and pass out of starvation after some days. Basically wait for death.

She decided to go to the city’s gate to gather firewood; that was one surplus commodity, everywhere was dry after all.

As she was gathering the sticks, the shadow of a man fell on her.

She was genuinely surprised. Who would be walking under this hot sun? Maybe someone like herself, gathering sticks for his last meal.

She looked up, and she perceived within her spirit that he was a man of God.

“Maybe he is here to tell me not to give up, motivate me, smh. I have nothing to hold on for, even if I decide it where is the sustenance.” She thought to herself.

He began a conversation and as a nice woman she was, she gave him water from her jug. And then he asked for bread.

“Bread?! Bread ke? This man is definitely not from around here. Bread? As in food?” She said to herself again.

She looked at him point-blank and explained the situation to him. “I am preparing for my last meal, you see. Maybe you ask around, but I doubt it

The man insisted that even if she would go on with her plan to die, she should still give him bread.

“What do I stand to lose? I am dying anyway. Maybe he still has hope.” She shrugged inwardly.

She invited him to her house, and they had the meal. She cooked all the foodstuff she had left and divided it amongst her, her son and the man of God.

After the meal, day 1 passed they didn’t die; day 2, they were still alive. Eh, see miracle. Before you know it, she had foodstuffs again, plenty. Eh. Too much she had to invite her family members to come for meals at her house. See shock.

For the rest of the famine period she was well-fed; in fact fresh. No sign of drought in her family.

Coined from 1Kings 17.

Mama Zee was kind. I want to believe it wasn’t faith that made her give. It was her personality. (There are some people who have faith but are nasty)

When Elijah asked for water, if she were nasty she would have turned him down, but she gave first.

Be kind to people.

Then he asked for food. At this point I would have been pissed like “man, can’t you see the situations of things“. She however patiently explained her situation to him.

This doesn’t mean if you have 2 kobo and because Juuju has told you the story of Mama Zee you give the 2 kobo to strangers/people without directions

Like I said, her spirit knew he was a man of God. If you are led by the spirit, giving or doing anything at all would not be hard.

A woman or man led by the spirit lives an easy life.

There are rules to giving (check this video for more insight)

Finally before I round up; Mama Zee was in a situation like ours now. A famine (pandemic) that affected everyone, but she held on and God came through for her.

The strain might be getting to you (God knows it gets to me, not just the pandemic but the darkness that is threatening to swallow us all); it might be hard to hold on to yourself but you can lean on me. (At the very least for company)

Maybe it is something else, lean on me. (I have been told I am a very good listener)

Love and light.

Members of the JuujuClan, how are we a clan if we are not connected. You should connect with me on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can send me messages on all these platforms and even shoot me a mail.

Talking about social media platforms, the second episode of the HOW TO series would be holding on my Facebook page on the 27th of June, this weekend. I am so excited. Connect with me.

I love you clan members.

Don’t forget to like and share so we can have more clan members. Comment and follow also.

I love you (I said that already lol). See you next week

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